Covid Class Regulations
Face to Face class regulations – COVID 19
What I shall be doing to keep you safe
Working with the venues to ensure a strict cleaning regime is in place, posters and information to help you follow the PHE guidelines.
Temperature checks on arrival for ALL customers.
Following a one-way system to ensure physical distancing measures are adhered to.
Wearing a visor to welcome you into the hall and taking your temperature but removing to teach the class from the assigned area for me.
Wearing a microphone to teach the class – no shouting
Following strict hygiene measures, washing and cleaning my hands between each class and cleaning common touch point areas thoroughly.
Opening the doors at your allotted time for the class.
Highlighting the one entrance one exit for the venue.
Keeping to 1 in 1 out policy when using the toilets.
Having hand sanitiser available at the entrance to the hall and the exit.
Increasing time between the classes to ensure reduced cross over of clients – 10 minutes
Moving between zoom and face to face should the need occur – i.e. track and trace, local lockdown etc
Offering the chance to do a online class should you be unable to attend face to face due to illness, track and trace or self isolation – covid related issues only!
What I will expect from yourselves
To wash and wear clean clothes to each of the classes.
To maintain high levels of hygiene and wash your hands prior to attending the class.
Reduce the need to use the common areas such as the toilet by going prior to entering the building.
To immediately inform me if you have been caught in the track and trace system.
Maintaining physical distancing before and after the class by not congregating outside the building in groups.
If you are showing any signs or symptoms of Covid-19 to please stay away from the classes, self isolate, inform me and join in online should you need to.
Follow the one way system to enter and exit the building
Bring ONLY your mat and any equipment being used to the class, nothing else.
To wear a mask to enter and exit the building removing only for the class itself.